An Introduction to Good Governance

Good governance is about leadership and ensuring that an organisation is run effectively and in line with legal requirements. Good governance of an organisation is the responsibility of the trustees. However, most individuals who become trustees don’t start out with a well-developed knowledge of governance issues. Instead, they start out with a vitally-important passion for the work of the organisation, and the governance side of things is something they must learn along the way.

Develop your skills and knowledge so you can become an effective Trustee. This short course provides an overview of key governance issues including essential Trustee duties and how to achieve Board diversity. Contents include videos, animations, tasks and quizzes.


Explore the different types of legal structures organisations might have. What's the benenfit of becoming incorporated?


Learn the essential duties that Trustee should undertake, and how to avoid becoming liable if things go wrong.


Consider how you might achieve greater diversity on your Board to reflect your community and embrace new perspectives.

What's Included In The Course?

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part One: What is Governance?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part Two: Trustee Duties
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part Three: Board Diversity
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

About The Trainer

This course is provided by a partnership of VCSE Local Infrastructure Organisations across the North of Tyne and Gateshead area - Northumberland CVA, Connected Voice and VODA.

The course is presented by Robin Fry.

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